

Hey there!

We are trying to keep the amount of ads at TheFappening.nu at the lowest possible level but frankly speaking we suck at this. If you want to get rid of the annoying pop-ups and flashing banners all over the site think about donating several bucks to our BTC or ETH wallets. This will surely help us to get rid of the ads (as soon as we get enough to keep the site running without it) and give us more time to upload more celebs.

Two best known tokens:

BTC: 1LVVxhvfUau66uGXsECGjMneyfqMWqAxcN

ETH: 0xd3F7d77E56de7F7bff6DF8f9dEf515D58298919a

If you want to donate something else, please reach us via email touchfappening@yahoo.com

Donations are welcome:
BTC: 1LVVxhvfUau66uGXsECGjMneyfqMWqAxcN
ETH: 0xd3F7d77E56de7F7bff6DF8f9dEf515D58298919a

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